Advantages of a Premium Account
By default Email It In is free. A premium account gets you the following additional features:
- Send attachments larger than 5MB
- No more "your email is too big" rejections from our servers
- Send more than 100 attachments a month
- No more "This account has received too many attachments" rejections from our servers
- Control where your files go
- Create tags which determine where your files go, either via example+<tag> or by adding "[tag]" in the subject line.
- Enable Force TLS
- Encryption is used end-to-end from your email system, through ours, into your storage provider.
- Enable a Whitelist
- Set up a list of addresses which only they can email your address.
- Support our systems
- Ensure that continues to thrive by supporting this service.
Monthly: $2.99
Annually: $29.99